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BE DIFFERENT! How Would You Like To Own All The Mindset Hacks, Life & Business Hacks, Tools To Step Into Your Uniqueness as a Speaker or Coach by "Finding Your Voice" and Turning It Into a Profitable Business Even If You Think/Believe You're A Newbie?  

Yes! I Want To Be Different For Only $39/M







For your piece of mind, We want you to know you can cancel anytime.

To Smart Coaches Who Want To Launch & Grow Their Businesses This year...

If you suspect you have the speaking or coaching talent and you want to either launch or grow your virtual coaching or speaking business whether full time or as a side "first business", and you would like to get the shortcuts and avoid wasting years of your life and lots of money by simply trying things that don't work....

Then do things differently by joining our special gift offer for just $39/M and I'll show you how to build your coaching/speaking business.

How I systematically Started And Grew A Coaching Emore from a dorm to 6 figures In No Time... 

(All from home, 100% virtually.)


Including the exact tools, strategies and templates I've developed.

... And that I and my students continue to use day in and day out to start up and grow new coaching and speaking businesses.

And today you're going to get access to all of it...

To use for your own benefit...

for just $39

I'll explain further why in a minute but first, I'd like to let you in on...

The Special Aces Successful Coaches & Speakers Always Have Up Their Sleeves

After working with hundreds and hundreds of coaches and speakers around the world on how they can discover and craft their uniqueness and build businesses around it,


I couldn't help but notice those who get the fastest results and make the most impact have something in common.

They had the right support structure/system in place.

Things like 

  •  Access to experienced coaches or speakers to hold you accountable.

  • Access to mentors and experts who give shortcuts

  • Proven systems and templates to give you a highly competitive edge

  • "Swim buddies" are like minded coaches or speakers to mastermind with

  • But if you're new to the business of coaching or speaking.....

  • How Do You Build A Coaching/Speaking Business When You're Starting Out?

    Let's be honest for a sec, most people when starting out a coaching or speaking business don't have a ton of cash laying around.


    I sure didn't, as a matter of fact, just 10 years ago, I was so broke that I couldn't even fathom the idea of being a coach and a speaker.

    .And this makes it hard to afford hiring mentors, coaches, masterminds, experts and the other support systems necessary to speed up your growth and definitely make life easier.

    The reality for most coaches is they have to figure everything out on their own.

    And I've got to tell you, that journey can be really tough and even lonely especially when..

    There is no mentor showing you the way, no expert cheering you up or nobody to hold your hand lift you up when you hit the road bock or just can't figure somethings out.

    And that's why most new coaches end up getting stuck, frustrated and sometime even quit before reaching basic common business goals..

    But it doesn't have to be this way. You can choose to go at it differently....

    Introducing The SAILFORCE ELITE 1.0 For Coaches & Speakers


    That is why I've created a community and entire training resource for new coaches and speakers like you.

    A place where a new starter of coaching or speaking business can get the real support they need to be successful.

    All for a tiny fraction of what you'd normally have to invest with me in one of my advanced coaching programs.

    It's called, "The SAILFORCE ELITE 1.0 For Coaches & Speakers" - A group of elite members where people starting up their coaching or speaking businesses can learn, hang out, network and get educated about what they need to know to launch and grow their business.

    And I honestly think it is ...

    The Ultimate Hack To Start Your Coaching/Speaking Business & Get To The Top Quickly.

    Imagine having total access to only the winning formulas within the coaching and speaking industry.

    Being able to only make use of what actually really works in terms of strategies, systems, structures..

    Things like :

  • Determining what kind of coaching offers and packages are working online

  • Where to find and drive the right traffic to convert to paying clients

  • How to plan and organize promotions that attract you clients

  • How to create contents that makes your coaching message unforgettable

  • Most updated digital tools and virtual techniques to be ahead in the game

  • Well, because I firmly believe that what I do is a calling, I do not only want to give you a road map to building your coaching business successfully but I also want to :

    Full Rights To Use The Same Systems In Your Business

    Like I said before, one of the challenge with starting fresh is having no mentor, no one to look up to, Imagine the competitive advantage you would gain by having all the tricks and tracks of the industry and things that actually work.. Think for a second..

    How much time you would save?

    How much trial & error you would avoid?

    Well...this is just one of the many benefits you get inside SAIL FORCE ELITE 1.0

    All for just $39 right now. Here’s all the details and breakdown of…

    The Benefits Of Being A Sailer In The SAILFORCE ELITE 1.0 For Coaches & Speakers Member

    Member Benefit #1

    Ready To Implement Models 

      Get dozens of ready to implement coaching, sales, marketing models in the form of well detailed checklist to get you started asap.

      We are always creating new checklist models and implementation guidelines so you'll be always ahead with the latest.

      Here are some examples :

    • How to interact with a potential client in the first 30min : The majority of coaches offer the first 30 min to clients for a discovery call, learn how to the step by step secret to do it so it can turn into a sale.

    • The secrets of copywriting : the content you put out there speaks highly of you. It tells your potential clients what you're about and why they should choose you. Learn the psychology to achieve an A+ level of content creation that generates leads for you.

    • How to create lead magnets : with no leads, you have no sales, with no sales you have no business, there is a particular strategy behind the over flooding of leads into your business.

    • How to communicate to blow your crowd away : Once you open your mouth, people decide to accept you or to rebuke you especially as their leader. We put the psychology behind great communication into a powerful checklist for you.

    • Much more checklists : the ready to implement models and checklists you get are consistently updated towards the need of the industry for your client's results and your personal growth so be ready to grow and scale...

    Member Benefit #2

    The Sailors Community for Speakers and Coaches

      There is a funny African Proverb that says " If you eat alone, you die alone" . Another wise proverb says " If you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, go together". We understand that this African wisdom not only applies to the daily life but it matters even more in business.

      Being surrounded by the right people to encourage you, support you and walk the road with you matters very much on your journey to success.

      Here are some of the things you gain out of this community...

    • Weekly group live calls: get to interact with Steven on a weekly basis and ask all the question that enable you to knock all road blocks down.

    • Start up Coaches & speakers Master-minds : Masterminds are not meant for only millionaires or highly successful entrepreneurs, getting into a habit of brainstorming with like minded people from day 1 of building your business is what you need to get ahead.

    • Wide Networking events : Tell me who you're with and I'll tell you who you will become, our community offers you the opportunity to connect and build projects with resources and supports by the collective.

    • Make friendships, build life time partnerships :  As much as business relationships matter, so does personal one. The business relationships built upon well grounded friendships are some of the long lasting ones so the opportunity is yours to make the best out of it.

    Member Benefit # 3

    Live 3x Per Month

      These live coaching sessions give a different turn to your life and your business. Their purpose is to motivate, inspire and support. You get to be presented with real business case studies and proven coaching methodologies as well as million dollars business strategies.


      We'll cover it ALL :

    • How to search and find paying clients : the most updated digital and sales strategies to give you an advantage.

    • How to conduct webinars and craft offers that actually sell you get to learn the secrets of group closing and the art of crafting irresistible offers.

    • What to do when you get a client : the preliminaries of customer interaction, the art of addressing your clients so they can feel important and believe you're the right coach or speaker for them..

    • How to grow and scale your business : what do you do when you make your first 10k, how to maintain growth and ascend your business drastically.

    Benefit #4

    The Client Acquisition 5 Day Challenge

      Without a paying client, you don't have a business so being able to secure paying clients more especially with a lifetime value is one of the major keys of your business success.

      I've interviewed a client acquisition expert who revealed his proven strategies he uses to get paying clients each and every time in the online space and in real life.

      I also introduce you to the psychology of selling whether you are an introvert or an extrovert

      You'll learn the most updated strategies and techniques that will put you ahead in the game by getting clients over your competitors each and every time,

      This comes with templates, , presentations, scripts and more than will make your learning and application feel very natural..

      You will :

    • Learn how to secure your first coaching client.

    • Learn a unique framework to handle your clients and run a successful coaching session.

    • Learn why people experience the fear of selling and how you can easily overcome it if ever it does occur to you.

    • Learn how to craft content that attracts clients and where to find, get in touch with your ideal clients.

    • Learn the smooth way to enroll clients in your coaching program that isn't weird or pushy..And much more...

    Member Benefit #5

    Templates and Blueprints for Acquiring and Coaching Your Clients

      In addition to your 5 day client acquisition challenge,

      you are going to get all the templates, scripts, blueprints you need to land your first paying clients.

      It makes your entire coaching journey so easy.

      You get the most necessary foundation which is knowing how to generate money for your business..

      With these blueprints, all you have to do is fil in the blanks.

      These templates and scripts are unique, you'll not find them somewhere 

      You get to have full access to the privilege..

    Member Benefit #6

    Mindset, Motivation And Business Development Interviews.

      You will gain privilege access to impactful, educating and inspiring interviews I do with highly successful and internationally recognized entrepreneurs.

      You will hear from diverse groups of entrepreneurs and C.E.O(s), including  several best selling authors and sale geniuses who built their business from few dollars to million dollar empires.

      The latest when it comes to the most prominent internet marketing strategies as well practical business mastery advices which will enable you to start up your business and scale into a highly profitable and impacts making businesses.

    • Get to learn how some of the most influential people on the face of this earth make use of their mind power to bend realities and create opportunities.

    • Uncover some of the worst mistakes made by powerful entrepreneurs in their start ups and how they were able to overcome them so you can get ahead in your business faster and better.

    • Get the inside secrets of those who were able  to start their business from a little bedroom to becoming huge worldwide corporate with thousands of employees..

    • Kickstart your company from the ground up by learning the tricks of the trade, how to build your always ensure you get more out of your dollar.

    • Reprogram your ,mind and rewire new empowering beliefs about wealth, money, entrepreneurship that has been probably been holding you back for a while now...

    • And much, much, more....


    Get All the tree of knowledge for just $1 for the next 30 days

    I'm sure by now, you'd agree that it's no secret

    That I'm definitely running a lost by giving all this away for just $1

    So in case you wonder if there is a catch,

    There isn't.

    Just $1 for 7 days ONLY!

    Yes! I Want To Join The Elites Today!


    Here’s Why I'm Making This Jaw Dropping Offer...

    Reason 1 : Accessibility

    I normally charge $2000-$12000 for my high elite coaching programs but let's be honest, most of the people starting their coaching business do not have that much of cash. That is why I created the Sail Force Elite 1.0 to be easily accessible to new and aspiring coaches who are thinking of starting up their business or have started their business.

    Reason 2 : A Future For And With You 

    Notice this is Sail Force Elite 1.0. What I want for you is to experience and make use of these tools to set yourself up for success and become part of my advanced coaching program members who usually decide to work with me after watching my videos, read my books or hear my speeches so I trust you'll become one also.

    Reason 3 : Proof in The Pudding

    If you can try my processes out and actually apply them and get to see them work for you, you will gain tremendous confidence in your abilities as a coach therefore set yourself up for immense success.

    What Happens After 30 Days?

    I hope after you experience the Sail Force Elite 1.0 program and get incredible value,

    You will choose me as your business mentor for the future and stay involved in the elite 1.0 program.

    If your answer is "Yes I do", then I would be honored to be your business mentor...

    But if you decide otherwise, no hard feelings, I understand- Just make sure you cancel before 30 days and there will be no deduction made on your card.

    But if you do love the Sail Force Elite 1.0 then you will be automatically renewed to a sailer status at a discounted rate of $39/month.

    Which is less than half of the normal price of $97

    That is all..

    This a really unbeatable offer and rather fair and reasonable.

    So Hop on, Let's sail...

    Yes! I Want To Join The Elites Today Just For $1!

    Here're The $1997 Worth Of Bonuses That You Get When You Join The Sail Force Elite 1.0 Today!

    Bonus #1: 7 Steps To Build Your Profitable Business

    Write the main points about this product here so that it helps the visitor make a buying decision. You can write the main features of this product and how that helps address the main pain points of your target audience, in a few words.

    ($10,000 Value)

    Bonus #2: The Blueprint To Reach The Global TEDx Stage

    Write the main points about this product here so that it helps the visitor make a buying decision. You can write the main features of this product and how that helps address the main pain points of your target audience, in a few words.

    ($5,000 Value)

    Bonus #3: Psychology and Habits of Great Leaders Bundle Pack

    Write the main points about this product here so that it helps the visitor make a buying decision. You can write the main features of this product and how that helps address the main pain points of your target audience, in a few words.

    ($5,000 Value)

    Bonus #3: The step by step Process To Discover And Unleash Your Hidden Potential

    Write the main points about this product here so that it helps the visitor make a buying decision. You can write the main features of this product and how that helps address the main pain points of your target audience, in a few words.

    ($5,000 Value)

    Bonus #3: The Things To Know Before You Become A Coach

    Write the main points about this product here so that it helps the visitor make a buying decision. You can write the main features of this product and how that helps address the main pain points of your target audience, in a few words.

    ($5,000 Value)

    Bonus #3: How To Become An Unforgettable Orator

    Write the main points about this product here so that it helps the visitor make a buying decision. You can write the main features of this product and how that helps address the main pain points of your target audience, in a few words.

    ($5,000 Value)


    Get All the tree of knowledge for just $1 for the next 30 days

    I'm sure by now, you'd agree that it's no secret

    That I'm definitely running a lost by giving all this away for just $!

    So in case you wonder if there is a catch,

    There isn't.

    Just $1 for 7 days ONLY!

    Yes! I Want To Join The Elites Today!


    100% 30 Day No Risk, Money Back Guarantee

    (Plus Extra Bonuses)

    This Is A Limited Time Offer

      The Sail Force Elite 1.0 is a definite value package I have put together for entrepreneurs to give them an edge never seen before in order for them to start their dream business from a position of strength and support. I have no doubt you'll agree with me once you see inside.

    • Like all my programs, the Sail Force Elite 1.0 program comes with a 100% 30 Day risk free, money back guarantee. You can try it out for an entire month for just $1, and if for any reason, you decide not to continue, I'll gladly cancel your subscription and refund your $1 back to you.

      And you can still keep all the resources you would have received from me up until that point. You can take that as my total willingness to get you started and actually make you successful.

    Yes! I Want To Join The Elites Today!
  • Your transactions are 100% secured. We use the best possible encryption method available.

  • Hurry.... This Special Offer Is Almost Over..

    The Sail Force Elite 1.0 is one of the best start up coaching support you'd ever get to get started. 

    Absolutely everything you'll learn from this platform is from real life business data so rest assured, they all have been proven and tested.

    It is because of the confidence we have in this platform that we are only going to keep it on this special offer for a very short time. 7 days to be precise.

    So at this very moment you are reading this, time is ticking, click, clock....

    All you'd have to do is input your details in the next page and we are good to go..

    So click now and let's get it rocking..

    Yes! I Want To Join The Elites Today!

    I'm really looking forward to helping and supporting you grown your dream business starting today!

    Remember You Too Can Be Great

    Here’s What Others Are


    Cristina Rivera Calderon

    Steven has an incredibly personal way of tapping into your powerful and strong side that wants to overcome, that dreams and that has no fears for changes. He is able to boost your love for life and will for the life YOU want to live. I got very powerful and true insights about myself by connecting with him. I highly recommend to reach out to him to move on to your next stage and overcome those limitations that may seem to make it so difficult.

    Josephina Bolton

    I had anxiety and restlessness for more than 10 years till I had a one on one with Steven, my life changed after that. I became confident, felt more beautiful radiant and extremely determined to achieve my goals.

    Carlinhos Ferreira

    Steven is an amazing human being and mentor .No matter where you are or what you do, he is highly qualified and will FOR SURE bring you the guidance and tools you need to change your life .When talking to him, it takes about 5 minutes for him to say something that will change your life forever. Thank you so much for being so awesome Take the chance... remember the best investment we can make is in ourselves.


    Get All the tree of knowledge for just $1 for the next 30 days


    Just $1 for 7 days ONLY!

    Yes! I Want To Join The Elites Today!
